me Me ME

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Saw this shirt!!I like!! If any of u ever see it in sg must tell me k!!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Truamatised by my sudden workload!! I really dunno where i should start... also no motivation!! watched the shao nian bao qing tian whole of today... after that i deeply regreted wasting my time!!

my mom went for folk dancing lesson underneath the block, well, not my block, then there is these 3 teenagers who went and snatched 2 of the aunties' bags!! cos the bags are like placed on the floor with no one guarding... well, of course the aunties cant outrun the kids, but they alerted the police... the latest news is that one suspect is caught...

i really wonder what these kids are thinking... is it worth it to get a criminal record for these? i mean those aunties wouldn't have carried too much money on them, what if they snatched the bag and realised there is actually no valuables? i heard from my mom that one of the auntie claims to have lost $40...

For $40, u leave a criminal record... that is SO FUN ar? SO WORTH IT?! i really dunno what they are thinking... rumours, well, aunties likes rumours, say that these kids are probably drugs addicts... so they are desperate for money...

Are they taking drugs? Are they delinquents? Or is it just for fun? For the thrill? Are they juz bored? Do they know the conseqences?

What are they thinking?

Maybe fortunate kid like me, who worries only abt not being able to finish my work cos i watch too much tv and use too much computer, will never understand them... but do they understand themselves? Is it wad they really wanted?

I think the greatest victims in this saga are those 3 kids...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

SLEEPY!!! But cannot sleep... cos got tv later... now 6.42pm...

7p.m. - korean show(shu tong yao) on scv
8p.m. - pss2(thou i no supposrt anyone but juz watch for fun)
9p.m. - HK show(ten brothers) on scv

Actually now got AMI season 6 on SCv lor... the auditions!!! haha... surely very funny!! but then leh, cannot watch la... got 4hrs long lor!! haha... but gotta watch other shows...
anyway i wanted to watch the campus superstar show leh, but clash with my shu tong yao!!
aiya... so much temptations!! How to sleep in peace?!

anyway sch workload is piling up quickly!!!
Anyway i wanna take a AHSS PE!!!
ANYWAY i am now looking at blackboard!! then this is in the discussion board:
"Hi everyone
We would like to know one another better. Please introduce yourself, identify an animal that best describe you and tell us 2 reasons why you have chosen such an animal. You are also welcomed to write anything about yourself but in not more than 300 words by 17 January 2007. Please reply to at least 2 postings made by your classmates by 17 January 2007 as well. Thanks.

However, there is NO MESSAGE!!! no one leave anything la!! haha...

- say NO to slack -

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Something wrong with the blackboard lor... i registered for a new class then it gave me back the first and foremost class that i got allocatied to... maybe i changed too much then it is confused by me... but anyway it is a stupid system...

trying hard to read my OB readings, which proved to be an excellent sleeping pill... the introduction is super long la!! then it has alot of redundant linkage from one point to another... i think the author is juz trying to write a few more pages to earn more script fees lor... cos basically, he/she is juz reinforcing the same point over and over again, each point around at least 5 times(bu keng ba xiu) before it is finally willing to move to the main point... if u were to juz sum up the main point, it is actually erm, 2 pages, out of the 10+ pages that i have read... the rest of the readings i have yet to touch, but i expected the same thing...

went kbox!! haha... so happy... cos haven't sing for so long, ok la, not very long... then kip eating the tibits till i sore throat, nope, it is not the singing... haha... but i do like their new drinks la... nice nice...

anyway i am super sleepy now... cos of reading the OB readings... anyway who suffered from insomnia can borrow it from me!! Biz Law is so so so so so much better!!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

My new timetable!!

mon: 0830-1830 (10hrs lor!! but free from 1030 - 1630... -_-)
tues: free
wed: 0830-1630(dropped hr, 3 hrs break in between)
thurs: 0830-1430(pia all the way with no break!!)

Monday, January 08, 2007

sigh... today is my first day of sch... a super sleepy day!! anyway i feel sick leh... feeling feverish and got running nose... maybe cos sch starting then i dun feel like gg to sch... haha...

dun feel like studying leh... wanna continue to slack!!

anyway tmr is the add drop period!! hopefully i can change to tue free too!! then i will have 3 days week... also wanna take another pe!!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I hate STARS!!! Well, i mean ntu registraion system... every other person can switch subject code except me la!!


Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year 2007 !!