me Me ME

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Irritated by the sight of mosquitoes flying around in my house.

As I was trying to kill them, I asked myself, why do I want to kill them? An immediate thought came to my mind, “because they are irritating!!” “so u are killing them just because they are irritating?” my conscience reprimanded me. “because they suck my blood, because they cause my hand and legs to swell after they bite me, because, aha, they can very well be those dengue mosquitoes, their bites can be fatal!” I smiled to myself in triumphant after coming up with these excuses.

Suddenly a thought struck me, aren’t human are like mosquitoes to the Earth? We depleted the Earth’s resource, which is worse than mosquitoes which suck our blood, we are the cause of all pollutions, making the Earth ugly and dirty, juz like the swells that mosquitoes incurred on us. Summing up depletion of the Earth’s resources, land, water and air pollution, global warming and many other acts or effects from our acts, all these could very well kill the Earth, just like how dengue fever kills.

We regarded mosquitoes as pest, so are we pest to the Earth as well?

“But we did tried to reduce the harm we exert on the Earth.”
“So if the mosquitoes decide to give u a bite that swells to a 10cent coin swell rather than one of a 50cent coin swell, would u appreciate it?”

Although we did plant trees, do cleaning up and take some other actions to help recover the Earth, but what is the ratio of the entire human race that are doing it? Mosquitoes also help in pollination but we still treats it as pest as it does more harm than good to us.

At the end of the day, unless we get majority of the human race to recover>harm the Earth, we remained as pests.

P.S. As I was thinking, I received some mosquitoes’ bites and the Earth also had received a few more blows from human from some places in the Earth.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

hehe... happy happy... fm over!!!

chit chat fir like 2hr after lunch, went shopping @ JP...

surfing net and reading manga all day... even went to search for tour package!!

haha... i think i forgot all abt the existence of blaw... opps...

better study hard ^o^/

Saturday, November 18, 2006

thanks for all the help offered for my coversion of mp3 to wma... i shall try them after exam...

sigh... exams!! help help!!

i know nuts abt financial mgmt!!! Darn!!!

hope exams will be over quickier but hope time will pass slower for me to finish understanding!! sigh...

conflicting mind~~

Friday, November 10, 2006

sigh... dl-ed this prog to convert mp3 to wma cos wma files are smaller so more files can fit on my 512 mp3 player...

then this prog expire... when i tried to dl it again, it recog me!!! so bo bian, gotta find other software... but others all sucks... some tell me can only convert 60% of my file, the other convert alr the wma file even bigger than mp3!! dunno wad the heck la!! so pissed...

i wanna find a good mp3-wma converter!! and my windows player cannot read mp4v2!! why!!! help me!!

Hmm... accompalished a lot today.. so shall blog abt my achievement!

- finished reading comm notes
- did acct self prac for last few chapters
- go thru my ans for fm latest tutorial
- studied all my IT mindmaps
- finished the IT exams papers
- so considered finished studying IT for the time being
- read vol 5 to 7 of manga(wang mei xiao jie jin hua lun) super nice!! :D

hmm... Shall start on acct tmr... was thinking of starting fm cos always dunno wad I am doing... but acct test is earlier... so acct first ba...

wanna go out after exams!!!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

hmmm... listened to sl's mp3 today... suddenly think wilbur pan and show luo singing not bad... haha... anyway listened to 19 by evan... think he is so pro la... he is same age as me, yet he started writing songs since 14... and he topped the exam in volin and another instrument for the music school in taiwan i think... damn cool man... his songs are quite nice la, but i dun like the fast songs cos very noisy...

hmm... i shall start studying now... haha... it is time alr!! opps... why am i still here?!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Hmmm... super tramuatised today!!

Have a very very bad dream and super traumatised that i woke at 8.30am today... I usu woke at 1.30pm on weekends... when i woke, i forgot abt the dream then i go back to sleep... haha...

juz now when i am trying to do my hw, i suddenly rmb the dream and super traumatised again!!!

It is a very very traumatising dream!! Super lousy mood!!!

Hmm... i wanna go out to study leh... cos study at home is very distracting thou it is highly productive... haha...

anyway i think all my tutorials' and seminars' mates are very hardworking!!

wanna have more time...

anyway juz realised that there is this iMall for ntu... quite cool man... like selling secondhand stuff or new stuff for cheap price:D