me Me ME

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Small happiness in life

Thank god I am quite an optimistic person

So although I am depressed and stressed from work, I am able to appreciate small happiness in life, like talking to my friend and getting a seat on the mrt during peak hours..

Heart still feel heavy but it's lighter by a bit now..

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Bad neighbors

Why do you love to throw things down???

How does it benefit you?

Why is the police not helping
Why is nea not helping
Why is hdb not helping

Why do I have to endure undue stress cos of you...

Feeling so helpless :'(


So stressed from work

I hate it

Why do you have so many review points???

Why do you ignore my request to review until the very last min?

Why do you have to msg me on public holiday or weekend to work? This makes me so stressed and unable to get a good rest...

I want to get out...