me Me ME

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Personal growth

Month of March is looking good. Read a book, wrote a blog and finally emailed to go for volunteering. I hope my volunteering goes well and I will have the perseverance to continue :)

Mrt disruption

In view of all the criticism of the mrt system in Singapore and slightly irritated by the constant rambles of newsfeed on fb abt this and the 9gag pic floating arnd everywhere, I think all those who complain should just stop and reflect.

Of course I am also guilty of complaining, but rather than complaining, shouldn't we do something more constructive instead?

We all know that complaining will not miraculously improve the system. It's not like smrt purposely create train faults and so that if we complain enough, they will stop. Yes it is true (I think) that the mrt tracks are not well maintained but things are already starting to get fixed right? Ok, the breakdown also occur on new tracks like the downtown line, but they are also working to improve it! All these complains, it helps in the beginning when make smrt wake up their idea and start the track maintenance.. but now, it's just irritating buzzing...

Instead of creating 9gags photo, use ur creativity to contribute to the arts scene in sg.. instead of attributing your lateness to the fact that the mrt is moving slower these days, why not adapt to the train being slower and cater for more traveling time? Instead of rambling on abt the train broken down, why not ramble on more meaningful stuff like creating a greener environment, how to sustain our economy growth, how to help the less fortunate ppl in the society and etc? they are so many meaningful things worth talking abt and we definitely are well educated enough to understand and discuss them in a sensible way.. why do we have to stoop to just complaining on everyday life, and miss out the bigger picture?

Time to reflect...