me Me ME

Tuesday, January 07, 2014


Don't delay your happiness

Don't neglect it

Sometimes we tell ourselves, at the end of it, we will be happy once we attained our goal.. so all the misery now is worth it

But to be 乌鸦嘴, it's nv a sure thing to attain something

The ending is impt, but are u sure u will only just rmb the happy ending?

Perhaps it's horrible to 半途而废. It's irresponsible. But does it makes u happier??

Isn't living is to be happy?

Why do u set goals? Because when u attained it, u feel accomplished, u feel happy

But why not be happy everyday?

I am not saying to quit over small matters

But when these matters get out of hand, perhaps it's time to re-evaluate


Cos sometimes u may nv rch the end, but at least u enjoyed the process