When I was young, I used to think that I am gg to have this for wedding, how I want the gatecrash to be etc etc when I was attending others' wedding...
But attending several wedding in the recent years, I feel that the wedding seemed so tiring and well abit awkward and embarrasing. Now my ideal wedding is just to elope somewhere for the honeymoon then announce to everyone that I am married...
No ceremony... The thought of kissing a dozen during the ceremony is -.-||| - it feels quite bad tt u kiss cos ppl requested u to kiss...
Nevertheless it's good to meet frens who u have not seen for a long time but sincere in meeting u again and wishing u the best... Maybe u can meet me n him during the housewarming party or just meet up for dinner with close friends and relatives..
Maybe this is just the thought of an unwanted old lady.. oops