me Me ME

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Weak makes you strong

Don't look down on yourself when you feel weak,

Because you are slowly getting stronger without you realizing it.

Love is the answer

To dislike someone/ oppose somethings without a reason makes one seemed unreasonable;

Love does not need a reason

Choose the easy way out.

Taking the easy way out

There are many reasons to dislike someone/thing

But love does not need a reason

Choose the easy way out

I only need this sometimes


Can we don't talk abt reasons?

Sometimes, i just need a bit of love and kinship...






They are strong and admirable...

But, to not follow their path, doesn't mean that I am weak...

Pls dun judge me for not following the path you expect me to take... It also does not mean that I am weak...

I just chose to be different, to not to be such a person... I want to be who I want to be, and not who you expect me to be...

I would appreciate if you give me support and lend me your courage, but I will still be brave to proceed if you gave me none...

I chose to live without regret, and I have no regrets...


I have seemed to mature... To be able to start putting myself in other shoes...

It's always easy and natural to stand from my own position and judge others for what they do... but to put myself in others shoes takes extra effort --- to stop myself from jumping to judgment and to understand and empathize with others...

Thank god for making me a better person...

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Do you know...




它, 也会痛彻心扉...

Monday, June 11, 2012


I really hope this come true!!

Please let it do!!!!

Wednesday, June 06, 2012


I can't do this and I dun want to


Tuesday, June 05, 2012

For losers

于丹经典语录: 有这么一个人: 21岁,做生意失败;22岁,角逐州议员落选;26岁,爱侣去世;27岁,一度精神崩溃;34岁,角逐联邦众议员落选;45岁,角逐联邦参议员落选;47岁,提名副总统落选;52岁,当选美国第十六任总统。这个人就是林肯。—— 只要足够努力,不言放弃,失败也是一条通向成功的路径。

The vow

Watched this show... The character have followed her heart truly such that she ended up in the same career and with the same partner even though she had the chance to restart her life...

Wonder wad my life would be like, if I am given the same chance. It will be a true test.

Silly me

Laughing at my silly poses from 2008 and my frens Say that I will still do such pose even now...

Well, totally agree...

Some things won't change;p


I always know that tmr will be a horrible day if I dun do extra work today.

But I nv want to do that extra work today.

Let tmr worries come tmr and enjoy today.


Monday, June 04, 2012


Dunno since when, I can no longer share my recent hobby on Facebook.

No sharing of latest show I am watching, no sharing of latest books I am reading, no sharing of photos of places which I went recently...

All becos, if I share, I will wonder if my colleagues would think I am too free... Or wonder why am I not working thou there are back logs...

Too troubled by the thinking and feelings of other ppl... Afterall, this social media is another platform for other ppl to form an impression of you, to judge u for wad u post...

Better be safe than sorry...