me Me ME

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Some random thoughts on parents and teachers

To parents who tell their children that they (parents) paid for their teacher, pls be kindly reminded that YOU are the one who demanded for teaching services that is why YOU have to pay.

Don't act like you are the boss.

If you think that just because you pay, your child can be disrespectful to the teachers, then think about how you would feel if your bosses' children disrespect you? Imagine them calling u a pig and pulling your hair...

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I am glad that I took the 2 days mc instead of gg back to work after 1 day... Feel recharged although my illness is not recovered...

Saturday, April 21, 2012


When we were in school, between tv and homework, we thought that homework shld be the priority

When we are working, after working hours or on a non working day, shld work be the priority instead of tv?

Friday, April 20, 2012

I should be happy

A happy girl is a pretty girl;)

Slowly building up defense

It never get easier...

You just get better:)

Sunday, April 15, 2012









Saturday, April 14, 2012


I always thought I have the courage...

I always thought that I nv think too much...

But I think I have lost my sense as a simple minded child...

Acty things can be simple, but we just can't help but read too much into it... And worry too much...

Tuesday, April 10, 2012



Monday, April 09, 2012

Money are the roots of all woes

Money are the roots of all woes... Or maybe, it is not money, it is just inability to let go... To let go of the life tt you are currently leading... To let go of all the previous investment made...

To and fro

I believe feelings are 2 ways...

And I think I seemed to have learnt empathy...

When u feel unhappy towards someone, perhaps tt someone will be as unhappy towards you too... So why not put an end to it.. Why not be cool abt it?

sometimes, when you hang on for too long, u feel like letting go... But u begin to wonder, will letting go be a good choice? Will it lead u to something good? Or will it lead u to nowhere at all?