me Me ME

Monday, August 31, 2009

Have you ever tried/give your best at/for something?

Monday, August 10, 2009

ok, here i am... basically nth much to talk abt... i am still at my temp job...

anw i currently have 3 goals:

1. volunteer
2. exercise
3. learn jap

the first goal i am gg to do it with shuk next sun and next next sun... and i am still looking for a permanent placement somewhere...

the seond goal is like on the hold lor... my mom dun wanna go yoga with me alr!!! then i lost all motivation to continue... now looking for some kind soul(s) to go kickboxing lessons or aerobics with me... haha

the third goal, i tried to start but i nv get past the first stage, which is to rmb the hiragana and katakana... i dun even rmb one la!!

well, but i am working at it, trying to enrich my life to the most...

recently there is some saga that makes me realise i shld not always be so keen to offer help to people cos some people are evil and they will take advantage of ur kind nature... there are ppl of all sort and not all of them are as kind as u expect them to be... nv only think the best of everyone, must always keep the cynical view to protect yourself...