me Me ME

Thursday, May 14, 2009

If u don't want to read thru this whole thing, the crux is at pt. 6 of Day 4!!!! it's a must see!!!

My days in Busan!!!
Day 4 learning points:

1. My jeju guesthouse's surroundings are pretty!!!

Reached Busan in the afternoon...

2. Besides walking, koreans are also accustomed to climbing stairs... climbed up/down the stairs with our luggages... was figuring out how to go to our hotel when someone who lives at our hotel just nice passed by and led us there :D
3. Drivers are super unfriendly... always honk at u or trying to knock u down... cars don't slow down at zebra crossings when they see ppl wanting to cross...
4. yongdusan park. a tourist spot, is also a hang out place for senior citizens... but it is pretty...

5. Many alleys to shop, clothes are cheap!!! selling @5000won only... around $5++...

6. Cure for balding/ thinning hair!!!!!!!! WIG!!! see the before and after pic below!!!

7. Air is super dry in Busan, my clothes dries very quickly after i wash them... and my lips keep threatening to crack... alr used half my lip balm!!!

Day 5 learning points:
1. Don't worry if it rains in Busan, there are plenty of underground market... and the underground market is super pretty!!!

2. Food at Busan is much cheaper than jeju too... ~40% cheaper...

3. Don't climb taejongdae in the rain.... it is super cold and misty... can see hot air coming out from ur mouth when u talk... actually the park person asked the korean aunties and uncles in front of us to turn back cos rain was big and it was super misty... but they didn't, so we follow them too... later then regret...

4. korean aunties and uncles are strong lor... not like us, so nua... they climb super fast!!!

5. Singlish is distinctive!!! met 2 groups of sgreans there!!! this pic meant to show the bus' feature to safeguard the last row middle passenger...

6. explore the places near our hotel... came across a place where they always drink soju and eat seafood...

Day 6 learning points:

1. their ppl sleep early and wake early... the sun rises @ 5am... which is 4am sg time!!! we woke @ arnd tt time and went jalgalchi fish market... reach there arnd 6am+...

2. Breakfast at 7am korean time is the first time for all of us... we usu wake @ noon... 4 person share this big pot for breakfast~!!

3. their university is so nice, equipped with escalator... and alot to shop!!! and alot outside the uni to shop!!

4. clear skies = sunny weather??? NONONONO!!! Beach is damn cold and windy!!!!!!

5. Beaches at night are frezzingly cold!!!! went to gwangalli beach for night view... went to eat at the store where they shoot "Heroes" movie... the jap movie, not the american series...

gg to seoul later... days passes so quickly!!! hope there is com there too!!!

P.S. anw for those who dunno, my busan hotel no aircon, is ownself open window cos it's so cold here, feels like aircon at night...

P.S. again Hair dryer is powerful!!! i just dried my jeans with it... cos i went to wash my jeans with the washing machine there...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

hehe... blogging from my guesthouse in jeju!!! well, basically i will be blogging on the days there la.. so warning!!! it will be lengthy and maybe boring... haha!! but i will try to inject some sense of humar into it....

Day 1
Basically, take SIA flight 1150pm... 10min later, the day is gone, so next day:D

Day 2 learning points
1. taxi driver will try to proach u to take cab, although there is like direct transfer... diao...

2. food in all airports are the same-----> BLUFF MONEY!!!
- end up eating kfc... lol... but we tried to eat some other flavours la... like barbeque chicken and shrimp burger...
- they call their restaurants food court ---> bluff our feelings

3. Bus drivers are super nice...
- just tell them where u wanna go, they will remind u to get down when they reach the stops

4. teddy bear museum is full of teddy bear in different costumes

5. taxi drivers are damn scary... they keep pester u!!!

6. the korea zha jiang mian (cup noodles) is super nice!!!

7. Free international calls at our guesthouse, i think they will blacklist us...
8. there are many pretty flowers along the road!!!

Day 2 learning points
1. lava cave is damn cold...
2. Seaview restaurants arhas breathtaking view... this is from where we had our lunch... 2. it is super difficult and scary to climb the rocks!!! (yeah!! we climbed past all these rocks to enter the cave!!) oh, that guy is our
3. the weather is deceiving!!! it is windy but the sun is so strong that we all ganna sunburnt... but the view is nice... below are the pic in udo... the sea is 2 colours one lor... the other pic we climb a long way to the top to see the view...

4. when you tour guide volunteer to bring u to eat sth unique, ask clearly before u ever accept his kindness!!!
- we went to eat HORSE SASHIMI!!! OMG!!!!! now i feel so guilty when i see horses...

5. faceshops/skinfood/missha are super cheap here lor... and the ppl selling them speaks chinese... lol!!! they see us buy alot, they ask, are u from sg? cos sg ppl always buy alot... lol!!! sg cheat $$$ lor...

6. gps is not a good guide... we sit taxi and got lost and he keep turning around all the possible alleys lor... heading spinning...

Day 3 learning points
1. taxi drivers are damn scary... they keep pester u!!!
- there is this taxi driver, he asked us to wanna take his car anot before we enter minimini land, then asked us again when we exit mini mini land like 2h later!!! then he keep pester us lor... we alr say dun wan he just stalk us... and tell us no bus tt goes arnd there... and guess wad, we took a bus there lor...

2. Bus drivers are super nice...
- this driver he let us down in front of th place we want to go lor... thou the bus stop is like 300-400m away...
-bus driver will bow to everyone and say sth like thank you for taking the bus before the start for the journey... so sweet!

3. u need to walk alot in korea...

4. they say there are many strong and exotic palnts at the crater, well, we only see green everywhere... cannot differentiate... lol.... but the view is nice la...

5. there are nice ppl arnd
- most of the ppl are willing to help u
- we got down at the wrong bus stop then asked fro direction from this uncle... he very patiently and kindly explain to us how to go, thou we are like one chicken one duck... then he even help us to flag a taxi to drive us there(and tell the driver go where)... cos the place is far on foot but not v far on wheels, so taking taxi is most hua suan...

6. I love shopping!! haha!

7. there are nice taxi drivers arnd... heh... there is this pro uncle who go thru many alleys and get us to our destination so quickly that we were all stunned... haha...
Realised last day not much photos? cos my camera no batt!!!
okok... i logging off alr... byebye... will update if there is still computer...

Thursday, May 07, 2009

thanks for all the wishes!!! i am setting off to airport in less than an hour's time!!! gor those who still dunno, i am gg off to korea till 26may!!!!

still, no tinge of excitement leh... i think all used up when i daydream during exams!!! only looking fwd to movies on sia flight... lol...

