me Me ME

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Have you ever looked at you parents and feel like giving them a hug, but you just can't bring yourself to it?
Have you ever counted how many things your parents have done for you? And how many times have you thank them?
When is the last time you told your parents that you love them?

If you realized you have not shown enough appreciation to them in the past, start doing it now. You can start, by just writing a letter to them. Tell them how much you want to thank them, tell them how much you love them, tell them the actions you would take to show your appreciation and love towards them and be sure to realize your promise in the future. And at last, love yourself, because what parents really want, is the best interest of their child.

~Spread the word, spread the love~

Saturday, April 26, 2008

waiting for the latest episode of 超級星光大道3 to be uploaded... cos the person uploading part by part... so taking quite a while... meanwhile, i was checking out project runway 4 winner... haha... yeah!! and it turned out to be my fav contestant Christian... haha... he is also the voted the fan favourites too... haha... anyway now looking for survivor micronesia spoilers.... lol!~

Sunday, April 20, 2008

sigh... now watching 康熙来了 for 星光三班...

can find link if u search for 康熙来了2008-04-17 星光三班报道咯 in youtube...

超級星光大道3 is very nice!!! haha... makes me wanna start watching... actually i started... opps... but i no watch whole episode, just bits and pieces of different contestants... haha... but still watched for like 3h alr... initially very bored so went youtube and look at the sg contestant 黃靖倫 since he is given the name 星光vitas(some male sophrano)... so wanna see how he fare... actually i think he is quite cute leh... the way he interact with taozi, quite funny... also he looks like derrick from project super star 1... haha... then after tt also look at sugi... then went to the website and see this girl 徐佳瑩 like quite pro cos her scores always very high like that... so also go listen... and she is indeed quite pro leh... the songs she compose are so nice^^ but when she sings other ppl song not as pro... but still good la... haha... the most recent episode is duet... then this group 賴聖恩+吳正傑 got 25 points... so go listen... below is the video... lol... they say the pink guy looks like obama... haha... anyway this season the standard is much better than the second season la... the second season really cannot make it lor... makes me lose confidence in the third episode initially... cos i thought the standard will keep falling... but i was proven worng!!! haha... the standard is really a big leap from season 2... yeah!! so very worth watching!!

anyway now started to watch 賴聖恩 videos!!! oh man~~~ i am stucked!! oh no!! i started to watch 王彥博, 林芯儀, 周柔柔, 吳正傑, 林雨宣, 李伯恩, 蔡忠潁 also!! i am just clicking all the related links shown there~~ faints... but anyhow click also nice... haha... good standard:D 王彥博 is quite good, also good looking lol...

Friday, April 18, 2008

Watched this tv show yest and the moral of the story of the show is that...

if the future is fixed, knowing what would happen but you can't do anything to change it, isn't it a sad thing?

so why do people still seek to know about their future thru tarots, face/palm reading etc?

thus, instead of seeking what is in the future, mould your future with what you do today...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I want to watch kiss 2

I want to watch Destiny love

I want to watch movie

I want to watch anime

I want to play games

I want to go shopping

I want to go steamboat with my friends

I want to go kbox

I want to hang out with my friends

I want to watch vcds

I want to go for a concert

I want to go overseas

haha! i received my gst offset package!! so happy!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

omg!!! Itachi is actually a good guy!!! wahahahaha!!! yeah!! the guy i like is a good guy... sigh.. stupid sasuke... but then this is a turning pt for him to become a good person also la... then can join force with naruto...

sigh... not that i dun wanna update/ update very little, it is juz that my life is too boring to update anything!!! now dun even have inspiration for anyth.. usu when exams coming then i will have alot of inspiration one... now feeling so empty and bored... end up sleeping everyday....

have alot of things to watch after exams!!! haha! but think i will juz finish up kiss 2 and give up the rest... maybe i will pick up naruto again since it should have enough episodes to last me... haha...

dun even have aspiration for post exams planning... but i wanna go shopping, ecp, sentosa, chalet etc etc.... jio me out!!

Friday, April 04, 2008

oh man... i can't believe it... i am addicted to this game!!!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

just read a piece of news... it's really touching...


sigh... i wanna wake at 8 to study... in the end wake at 930... then read newspaper, then wanna know the scores between liverpool and arsenal... so need to on com... before i go on my com, i promise i will juz see the score and go study...

well, but of course not... end up reading some entertainment news, some celebrity blogs and in the end videos!! oh no!!! i am stucked!~!